Names of G-d or Y’shua | |
Abba | father (familiar) |
Avinu | Our Father G-d |
Eloheinu | Our (plural) G-d |
Elohim | a name for G-d |
G-d | special spelling for to show respect |
HaAv | The Father |
HaBen | Son |
Mashiach | messiah |
Messiah Y’shua or Y’shua Messiah | Jesus Messiah |
RuachHaKodesh | Spirit or Breath of YHVH |
Y’shua of Natzeret | Jesus of Nazareth |
YeshuaHaMessiach | Jesus the Messiah |
YHVH | a name for G-d meaning “I am”, never spoken |
Scripture Names | |
Brit Hadashah | the New Testament, or KetuveiHaShalichim |
KetuveiHaShalichim | the Apostolic Writings, or Brit Hadashah – the New Testament |
TaNaKh | scripture, namely the Torah, Prophets, Writings |
Tanakh | the entire Hebrew scriptures |
Torah | the five books of Moses, or the entire Hebrew scriptures, or the whole Bible, depending on context. |
Scripture Book Names | |
B’midbar | Numbers |
B’reishit | Genesis |
D’varim | Deuteronomy |
Doniyel | Daniel |
Hoshea | Hosea |
Sh’mot | Exodus |
Shmuel | Samuel |
Tehillim | Psalms |
Vayikra | Leviticus |
Yechezkel | Ezekiel |
Yeshayahu | Isaiah |
Yirmeyahu | Jeremiah |
Yoel | Joel |
People Names | |
Avraham | Abraham |
Yisrael | Israel |
Yochanan | John, eg “John the Baptist” |
Miscelleneous | |
Beit Tefillah | house of prayer |
BesoratHaGeulah | the Good news of Redemption |
ekklesia | assembly or congregation |
Erev Shabbat | the evening portion of the Sabbath, i.e. Friday |
m’chitza | wall of partition |
Mikveh | gathering of water |
MiqraQahal | called out assembly |
moedim | appointed times |
Pesach | Passover |
Rosh Chodesh | head of the month/new moon |
rules of kashrut | kosher dietary laws |
Shabbat | the Sabbath, Saturday, seventh day of the week |
stagion | execution stake |
tallit | prayer shawl with fringes |
tallit katan | a fringed smaller garment traditionally worn either under or over one’s clothing by Jewish males |
Talmud | commentary on the Hebrew scriptures; additionally the Mishnah, and Midrash Rabbah |
techelet | blue thread on the tallit |
Teshuvah | repentance |
tevilah | water |
Tevilah | immersion in Living Water |
tevilahteshuvah | washing of repentance, or baptism of repentance |
torah observant | followers of the Jewish law in the Torah; for Messianic believers, as defined in the gospels and apostolic writings |
tzitzit | the fringes or tassels on the corners of the tallit |
xulon | tree |